Richard Dunsby

Golf Coach & Personal Trainer

Richard Dunsby is a PGA Golf & Fitness professional and specialist in optimising players’ golf swings through a strength and conditioning approach designed to prevent injury. His golfing pedigree is extensive and has worked with hundreds of clients, building a reputation as a professional and knowledgeable coach.

  • Qualified PGA Golf Professional
  • REPS Level 3 Personal Trainer
  • Golf Biomechanics Instructor
  • Trackman Level 1 Certified

At Optimal Fitness, We genuinely care about you and your fitness goals. Whether it’s losing weight, getting fitter or getting stronger. Regular exercise benefits both your physical and mental health. We are here to provide you the tool, support and encourage you every step of the way.

Optimal Fitness

Commercial Building 3
Dubai Studio City
PO Box 74361

04 457 2048
056 808 2386
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